
Tag Archives for " Paint Colors "

5 Paint Colors That Can Help You Sell Your Home - Pinehurst and Aberdeen House Painting
May 22

5 Paint Colors That Can Help You Sell Your Home

By Mack.Painters | Colors , Painting

5 Paint Colors That Can Help You Sell Your Home - Pinehurst and Aberdeen House Painting

The numbers don’t lie: Some paint colors can help you sell your home faster and for more money than you’d get if you left things as-is. While not everyone should spring for a full-house repainting job before listing the home with a real estate agent, most people should repaint at least a few rooms. (Fresh paint can help you sell your home, period.)

So what are those colors?

5 Paint Colors That Can Help You Sell Your Home

Not all colors are created equal in homebuyers’ eyes, but the colors listed here really make a positive impact on buyers. While every market is different and you should talk to your real estate agent about what works well in your neighborhood, we can definitely help you update your home’s look with fresh paint before you sell.

#1: Navy Blue on a Front Door

Zillow says that navy blue doors can net you an extra $1,500 when you close. It doesn’t hurt that a freshly painted door adds to curb appeal, too, which is the first impression buyers get of your house; make the first impression a good one and they’ll be primed to enjoy the inside, too.

#2: Warm Brown, Beige, Oatmeal or Taupe in the Living Room

Brown colors are specifically known for evoking emotions of strength and reliability, so it’s no wonder that people like them associated with areas where families gather. These colors are also attached to connotations of dependability, security and safety. The best part? Zillow says that homes with warm brown living room and family room walls sell for up to $1,900 more than those without.

#3: Cerulean Blue Bedrooms

Lively but serene (have a look at the color – you’ll see what we mean!), cerulean blue bedrooms in a home can help bring in up to $1,856 more at the closing table, according to Zillow.

#4: Pale Blue Bathrooms

Pale blue, which is more soothing than cerulean, looks great in a bathroom. Maybe that’s why Zillow reports that homes with light blue bathrooms sell for a shocking $5,000 more than expected – but with numbers like that, does it really matter why?

#5: Slate Blue Dining Rooms

Slate blue is sophisticated, and it evokes serenity and a sense of calm. It doesn’t do a lot for your appetite, like purple is reported to do, but it is a sign of stability and reliability… and Zillow says that houses featuring a slate blue dining room sell for just under $2,000 more than homes with white dining rooms do.

Want to Talk to a Painting Expert Before You Sell Your Home?

Whether you’re repainting your home because it’s time for a change or you’re ready to put it on the market and sell it, Mack Painters can help. Call us at 910-725-3227 or get in touch with us online. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and give you a free painting estimate for any of our services.



5 Great Ways to Use Ultra Violet in Your Home - Painters in Pinehurst NC
Apr 28

5 Great Ways to Use Ultra Violet – Pantone’s 2018 Color of the Year – in Your Home

By Mack.Painters | Colors , Painter , Painting

Pantone’s 2018 color of the year is Ultra Violet, which paint authority says is “a dramatically provocative and thoughtful purple shade” that “communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking that points us toward the future.”

While purple is definitely a great color to use in a meditation room or bedroom, can you use it in the rest of your home and pull it off?

5 Great Ways to Use Ultra Violet – Pantone’s 2018 Color of the Year – in Your Home

Here are five great ways to let purple reign in some areas of your house.

#1: Use purple as an accent wall.

Purple generally makes rooms look bigger because it has cool tones, so it makes a wonderful color for an accent wall. It’s known for promoting relaxation and having a calming effect, so purple might be the right choice for your bedroom, dining room or reading nook.

#2: Paint the inside of your cabinets.

You can create a great – and very unique – look by painting the inside of your cabinets like this. It’s not overwhelming or over-done, which means it’s a fantastic way to add a little panache to the kitchen pantry or dining room cupboards.

#3: Add pizzazz to your kitchen island.

By painting only the walls of your kitchen island purple, like this, you can add a splash of color in a white or neutral kitchen. Try plenty of samples, though, to make sure it’s the right one for an accent in the kitchen – it can be tricky to get purple right in this type of space.

#4: Paint your whole bedroom purple.

Lavender generally looks great in bedrooms (and again, it makes them look bigger). You can go for a variety of shades with your door or keep it all pretty close for a monochromatic look, but it’s best to break things up so it doesn’t become overwhelming.

#5: Use small decorative accents in purple.

Small decorative accents can make a big impact, like this. Lamps and lighting, throw pillows or even a chair in your favorite shade of purple can serve as a focal point in a room and add a pop of color where you really need it.

Want to Talk to a Painting Expert About Adding Color to Your Home?

Whether you’re repainting your home because it’s time for a change or you’re ready to put it on the market and sell it, Mack Painters can help. Call us at 910-725-3227 or get in touch with us online. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and give you a free painting estimate for any of our services.

How to Pick the Right Paint Color for Your Meditation or Yoga Room
Apr 11

How to Pick the Right Paint Color for Your Meditation or Yoga Room

By Mack.Painters | Colors , Painting

When you’re creating a meditation room in your home, you want to get it all right… down to the smallest detail. But one of the big details is the paint color you use on your wall – and here’s what you need to know to make the best possible decision.

How to Pick the Right Paint Color for Your Meditation or Yoga Room

When you’re painting a meditation room in your home, you need to know:

Color Psychology for Meditation Rooms

Make sure the room you choose is away from traffic (including the bathroom) and that it gets the right amount of natural light. Once that’s done, you can pick the perfect paint color.

Here’s a breakdown when it comes to choosing colors:

  • Mauve is graceful and subtle, and it symbolizes imagination and spirituality.
  • Tan and beige are cozy and comforting, and they symbolize simplicity and health.
  • Deep blue is calming and serene, and it symbolizes wisdom, faith and truth.
  • Light gray is cool and balanced, and it symbolizes maturity and safety.
  • Coral is warm and healthy, and it symbolizes harmony.
  • Light green is natural and calming, and it symbolizes growth, freshness and safety.

Should You Put an Accent Wall in a Meditation Room?

Whether or not to put an accent wall in your meditation room is purely a personal choice – but if you do, know that if you choose the right colors, you’ll be able to make the room appear larger. The colors that pull the eye away from the wall include:

  • Greens
  • Blues
  • Purples

Some colors will make the wall appear closer than it really is, including:

  • Oranges
  • Yellows
  • Reds

When you’re choosing which wall to use as an accent, it’s best if you have a good sense of where you’ll meditate (and in which direction you’ll typically face) or practice yoga. In many cases, the best accent wall is one without a window, door or other built-in feature. You can also use your ceiling as an accent – and the professional painter you hire can help you choose the perfect shades.

What’s the 60:30:10 Rule?

The 60:30:10 rule is a suggested ratio for colors in any room. If you’re following that as a guide, 60 percent of the room should be painted or decorated in your dominant color; 30 percent should be in a secondary color on the same palette; and the remaining 10 percent should be your accent color.

Do You Need to Talk to a Painting Pro in Pinehurst or Aberdeen About a Meditation Room?

We can help you create the perfect meditation room by painting it to provide you with a serene, tranquil color (or two!) – just call us at 910-725-3227 or get in touch with us online. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and give you a free painting estimate for any of our services.



how to choose the right color for an accent wall
Apr 04

How to Find the Right Color for Your Accent Wall (and How to Choose the Right Wall)

By Mack.Painters | Colors , Painter , Painting


You don’t have to invest in several expensive paintings, lots of costly sculptures and other big-ticket decorative items to pull off a perfectly polished look in your home – an accent wall just might do the trick.

But how do you find just the right color and figure out which wall to use?

How to Find the Right Color for Your Accent Wall

Your accent wall will work in tandem with the rest of your décor to create a finished look. Based on your theme and your existing décor, you’ll be able to choose the perfect shades… as long as you have a good grip on the ways colors impact the overall “feel” of a room.


  • Warm colors can make a space appear smaller than it is. Oranges, yellows and reds will create the illusion that the wall is closer.
  • Cool colors, such as green, blue and purple, pull the wall away from the eye. That makes a room look larger than it is.

It’s also important to know which direction your room faces. If it’s facing north or east, it will tend to feel cooler and get less natural light; that means a warm-colored accent wall may be a dramatic improvement. If the room faces west or south, it’s likely to feel warmer and typically receives more natural light, so a cool-colored accent wall might be the perfect touch to balance things out.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Blue is a “productive” color, so it works well in an office
  • Green is synonymous with tranquility and health, so it goes nicely in a bedroom
  • Pink is calming and warm, so it’s good for bedrooms
  • Yellow brightens a room and brings on energy, so the kitchen might be its best space
  • Lavender is calming and allows relaxation, so it’s good for living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms
  • Red is the color of passion and excitement, so it’s good in kitchens and dining rooms (some people even say it encourages appetite)

Which Wall Should You Turn Into an Accent Wall?

The first wall you see in a room isn’t necessarily the one you want to turn into an accent wall, but it can be. Typically, the best choice is a wall without an architectural feature (like a window, fireplace or door). However, if you have a window framing a gorgeous view or a door that would look great surrounded by a splash of color, there’s nothing wrong with choosing that wall.

For an even fresher twist, think about using your ceiling as an accent wall. It counts!

The rule of thumb is 60-30-10. That means 60 percent of the room should be in your dominant color (that includes the walls and your décor). Then, 30 percent can be in a secondary color that’s in the same color family as your dominant color. Finally, 10 percent of the room is for the accent color.

Do You Need to Talk to an Expert About Adding Accent Walls in Your Home?

When you need to talk about professional painting services in any room (or all of them), we’re here to help. Call us at 910-725-3227 or get in touch with us online. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and give you a free painting estimate for any of our services.



Color Psychology - How to Choose the Right Paint Color for Your Bedroom
Feb 26

Color Psychology: Choosing the Right Paint Color for the Master Bedroom

By Mack.Painters | Colors , Painting

If you’re like most people, you want your home to be a relaxing haven where you can unwind at the end of each day – and your bedroom is front-and-center in that role. But what if your bedroom isn’t the most relaxing place in the house because of its paint color?

That’s where the Pinehurst painting experts come in.

Color Psychology: Choosing the Right Paint Color for the Master Bedroom

Picking the right paint color for your bedroom isn’t terribly difficult, but it does require a little detective work in color psychology.

If you’re painting your bedroom to sell, none of this applies to you. Your Realtor® will probably advise you to paint your bedroom a neutral color, not something personalized, so that it’ll appeal to the widest possible range of buyers. If you are selling your home, choose a beige, light gray or another very pale pastel – and talk to your agent about what’s selling in your area before you decide.

5 Colors for a Relaxing, Calming Bedroom

Even if you have no trouble sleeping, picking the right colors for your bedroom is important. You want to create a relaxing ambiance, and some of the most soothing colors include dark gray-blue, soft gray, neutral green, lavender and ice blue.

Dark Gray-Blue

Blending neutral gray and sky blue, this shade inspires serenity and helps people relax. Blue is also associated with safety and tranquility, which means it’s a great way to lull yourself to sleep.

Soft Gray

Because soft gray is so neutral and pairs well with nearly any décor, it’s the ideal shade for the bedroom. It’s not exciting or vibrant, which means you’ll be able to relax your mind and drift off peacefully beside gray walls.

Neutral Green

Green is lively, but if it’s a neutral shade, it’s not going to keep you up at night. It’s commonly associated with balance, calm and harmony (just like in nature), as well as renewal and growth – and that makes it ideal for the place where you need all those things.


Lavender isn’t just another shade of purple. In fact, it’s a perfect blend of exotic and elegant – and it’s soothing. Light purple inspires daydreams and calm, and it’s associated with luxury and royalty.

Ice Blue

While light blue is most often used in creative spaces, it’s ice blue that creates a cool, calming effect. Think of the sky on a clear, crisp day; that’s ice blue. Its association with water lends it to tranquility, and because it’s not too vibrant, it’s great for a bedroom with neutral décor.

Do You Need to Repaint Your Bedroom?

Whether you’re repainting your home because it’s time for a change or you’re ready to put it on the market and sell it, Mack Painters can help. Call us at 910-725-3227 or get in touch with us online. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and give you a free painting estimate for any of our services.